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who we are, what we believe, why we exist


Get To Know Us

we are.

As you spend time with us here on our website, getting to know us, looking into what we have to offer you – you will most likely conclude that we are a small church. 

There is no need to try to hide that fact.  Where we gather is a small, brick church building on Lincoln Road.  And, we are currently a small congregation of less than 25 on regular Sundays.


We have a big heart for the Lord, a big desire to know Him and make Him known, a big faith in a big God who can do big things in us and through us.


Inspirational signs

Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.

When - Where

Reaching UP. Reaching IN. Reaching OUT.

is seamlessly integrated into

WHO we are. WHAT we believe. WHY we exist.

(It's difficult to even separate the WHO, WHAT, and WHY ... But, we're going to try.)


who we are

Bible-based, Christ-centered, Faith-filled, Mission-minded Believers

as an independent church body, is answerable only and always to God; His word, His will, His ways.

  • and not to a denomination or an organization

enjoy a casual, comfortable environment for worship; but, revere God and aim to worship Him in spirit and in truth

endeavor to lead lives that are worthy of the calling to which we have been called (Eph. 4:1); obeying the Great Commandment and the Great Commission; loving God with our whole heart, and soul, and mind; and loving our neighbor as ourself sharing the gospel, making disciples, baptizing, and teaching obedience to the scriptures 

put an emphasis on - studying God's word: we teach it verse-by-verse applying God's word: we want to be doers of the word, not hearers only

  • prayer: it precedes and permeates everything we do

  • remembering Christ: we observe the ordinances of baptism and communion

  • following Christ: we don't want to just be fans of Christ, knowing about Him; we want to be followers, who know Him personally and follow His example in how we live, how we love, and how we lead others to God

  • worship: being the experience and expression of reverence and adoration for God by each individual

  • fellowship: being the common relationship, partnership, companionship, and stewardship through Jesus 

  • service: being the voluntary giving of ourselves to fulfill the will of God and the needs of others 

seek to serve our church family and our community; and contribute to services and ministries outside of our reach

as the children of God, want to actively participate in the "family business"; empowered by the Spirit, in the name of Jesus, coming alongside our Father as He does a gracious work of saving souls and transforming lives

who ... 

who ... 

who ... 

who ... 

who ... 

who ... 

(a typical Sunday)

(a brief history)

Who We Are
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what we believe

How do you live your life so authentically that there is no question about what you believe?

What we believe determines what we value, and what we value demonstrates how we live.

So, what we believe about God, how He relates to us, and how we relate to Him

is foundational in the life of BCCC as a church and in the lives of its members.

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In the simplest form, here are the foundational

truths that we believe.

For detail and scripture references

click here.

We Believe

in one, true God  …  in The Trinity  …  in Jesus Christ  …  in the Holy Spirit

the Bible is God’s word

sin separates us from God, causing spiritual and physical death

salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ alone

it is the will of God that no man should perish

it is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and sanctified

the Holy Spirit and His gifts are still at work today

Jesus still heals today

prayer is vital

the Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and are born-again of the Holy Spirit

followers of Jesus should truly love God, love people, and do good

Jesus is coming again

the dead will be resurrected to either eternal judgment or life everlasting

We Believe

fellowship with like-minded believers is vital for strength,

growth, victory, and joy in the Lord. 

So,   we provide opportunities for believers to get together for worship, Bible study, prayer, service ministries,   and social activities.

We Believe 

the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ's love,

which is greater than the differences we possess,

and without which

we have no right   to claim ourselves Christians.

We Believe 

 worship of God should be  .. 

 and, it should be done both corporately and  personally as an  experience  and expression of the heart


Therefore, we give a great place to music in our worship.


Therefore, we put  great emphasis upon teaching the Word of God that He might instruct us how He should be worshiped.


Therefore, we look for His love in our lives as the manifestation that we have been truly worshiping Him.


Therefore, we remain flexible  and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.

What We Believe

As an independent church, BCCC is affiliated with the Christian & Missionary Alliance

because our beliefs align with theirs. 

The symbol within our Bible Covenant logo is the C&MA logo,

representing the belief of the fourfold gospel of Jesus Christ.


of faith







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Perhaps you've heard of A.B. Simpson or A.W. Tozer. -- They are key figures in the C&MA.

To learn more, click on the links above.

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why we exist

The glorification of God. The edification of the saints. The evangelization of the world.

Those are the primary purposes for the Church's existence on earth.

And, those are the reasons why Bible Covenant Community Church exists in York, SC.

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we exist to ...

reach up

(The glorification of God.)

We exist to give God the worship that He deserves and desires.  We exist to commune with God and to hear from Him.  We exist to learn from God's word and to teach it faithfully and correctly.  We exist to know God and to please Him.  We exist to draw near to God and seek Him.  We exist to exalt God and to honor Him.  We exist to remember Christ and to kneel at the cross.  We exist to be a house of prayer.  We exist to be a place where God can dwell and work and transform lives.

To Know Him & To Make Him Known

If you want to REACH UP

to God,

Come join us.

We exist for you!

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(The edification of the saints.)

we exist to  ...

reach in

We exist to live the call to possess Christ and proclaim Christ together, before one another and for one another. We exist to learn biblical principles that can be applied to everyday life. We exist to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. We exist to practice prayer, worship, sharing our faith, submission, and service. We exist to encourage one another to be strong in the Lord and to be faithful in well-doing. We exist to pray for one another. We exist to support and care for one another. We exist to love, accept, and forgive one another. We exist to hold each other accountable.  We exist to enjoy and endure life together as a family.

Church Is More Than A Place To Go,

It's A Place To Belong

If you need us to REACH IN

to your life,

Come join us.

We exist for you!

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we exist to   ...

reach out

(The evangelization of the world.)

We exist to show and share the love of Christ with those around us. We exist to share the good news that God has provided a way for sins to be forgiven so that everyone who will, might be saved, born-again, and become a child of God.  We exist to point others to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  We exist to go to God for the people (prayer), and go to the people for God (service).  We exist to be a light that shines in the darkness.  We exist to let people know that God loves them, He wants good things for them, and He can heal them and make them whole.  We exist to share the hope that is in Jesus Christ alone. We exist to help meet physical needs while tending to the spiritual ones of individuals.  We exist to pray and give and go as God leads, so that the gospel can be shared everywhere with everyone. 

Be The Change You Want To See

If you are ready to REACH OUT

to others,

Come join us.

We exist for you!

Why We Exist

for spending time with us here today


come Visit With Us This Sunday
Connect With Us


1712 Lincoln Road

York, SC  29745

PO Box 291

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Join Us -- Service Times

Sunday School - 10:00am

Morning Worship - 11:00am

Evening Study - 6:00pm

Wednesday Prayer - 7:00pm

Exception:  The 2nd Sunday of the month we visit White Oak Manor

Nursing Home at 4:00pm and have a Ministry Planning meeting at 6:00pm.

Find Us -- Location

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